International spiritual retreats
International spiritual retreats
International spiritual retreats

International Spiritual Retreats

The founders of this organization, Clemente Villalobos and Irina Naam, are strong spiritual healers. Recognized as ambassadors of peace by Universal Peace Federation, they have many years of experience healing people around the world.

Clemente’s roots are in the fascinating Moche culture. He comes from a healer’s family, steeped in its traditions since childhood. He was chosen by PromPeru to represent his country as a mystic healer around the world and has presented his learning and gifts in different countries.

Irina Naam has an instinctive and intuitive ability to connect with people’s energies that gives her an extra edge as a Gifted Energy Healer, International Meditation Expert, Inner-self Transformation Specialist, Counselor and Spiritual mentor.

Together, Clemente and Irina combine their knowledge, experience and energy to bring about the best outcome from their services to the communities and individuals they serve.


Our mission is to bring about Love, Peace, Harmony, and Collective consciousness. We provide our healing services, and provide tools to every individual so that they can learn how to heal themselves, and rise to the peak of their potential to become positive contributors to society and the world.


International spiritual retreats provide unique services which combine ancient knowledge and wisdom from west and east culture and traditions, including original rituals and ceremonies from generations past.

The inner transformation of individuals, and sharing of spiritual knowledge with society at large, endows those who receive these gifts with stress-free minds. The ultimate result is a violence-free society and the achievement world peace.

International spiritual retreats services
International spiritual retreats services

Our Services


Welcome to the mystical world of Peru Spiritual Tours, where ancient wisdom meets magical nature. Our tours provide meaningful experiences, through meditation in sacred places and traditional healing ceremonies.


Crystals heal with vibrational energy by aligning with people’s chakras. They balance the mind and body’s energy flow, unblock stagnant energy, and promote relaxation. Only natural, untreated minerals from ancient mines are used for healing sessions, which are purified and charged with mantras.


Meditation techniques provide a supportive and creative space for the reduction of everyday stresses and tensions, promoting a state of balance, contentment, and personal well-being.

Meditation sessions include kundalini awakening and breathwork to improve mental, physical, and emotional health.


“Ofrenda a la Tierra”
This involves a tribute to Mother Earth to thank her for everything that she provides us, and to obtain blessings for anything we are seeking in life.

“Baño de florecimiento”
A bath with special flowers and natural essences to protect from negative energy, and to purify the aura.

“Saludo al Sol” and Hydrotherapy
Greetings to the Sun during sunrise to charge the energy for well being and cleansing emotions.

International spiritual retreats services
International spiritual retreats services

“Comulgación con las plantas maestras”
Ceremony with magic plants: Ayahuasca and Wachuma (San Pedro).

Deep journey to the subconscious to find and heal any traumas, and to discover the true self.

“Mesada de sanación”
Spiritual cleansing by using different shaman´s tools to heal the body and soul.


Burning the fire with specific herbs, prayers and drums to eliminate negative energies, and black magic for deep and strong purification.


Chanting with music facing the full moon helps to balance emotions and purify our thoughts.


Traditional manual therapy for spinal alignment to reduce pain and inflammations, including nutritional counseling with herbal medicine.

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